Pretty Printing

- 3 mins read

Series: cryptopals

In this series of articles, I am going to attempt to solve the cryptopals crypto challenges. These challenges provide a fun way to learn about cryptography. As mentioned on their website, the challenges are “derived from weaknesses in real-world systems and modern cryptographic constructions”. I will focus mainly on solving them in the Rust programming language, though I do not exclude the possibility of using another language at one point or another in this series.

Hello, world!

- 1 min read
Welcome to My Blog! I created this space to share and reinforce my knowledge, and perhaps entertain you along the way. I tend to keep things simple, though I will not miss any important details when needed. Hopefully, you will find at least something useful along the way. My posts will mostly cover topics like Linux, cryptography, cybersecurity, and of course there’s going to be at least a little bit of programming involved.